
My Experience



by - 2:58 AM

Human is born in the name of love
Human lives because of love
Human hurts because of love
Human even go away in the name of love

Than what is love?

The truth is, love is a feeling that connect two hearts into one
A bond that is inseparable, even when death comes to take us
A feeling where there is tears of sadness and happiness
Where there is sacrifices and struggles
Where there is always hope and faith
Where there is always a tiny pebbles that stand in the way
Where there is time of storms and rainbows

Love... oh love...
How could something that is as beautiful as you still can be wasted by irresponsible human
How could you hurt one another if you are a gift

It feels like I did not want to believe love anymore
It feels like I did not want to have love anymore
I am just a mere human that cannot live without love

I held on tight that you in the end
Will bring the best laugh
Will bring a magic that is unexpected
Will give the most power full power
Will give tears of joy,and not sadness

This storm is just a temporary thing that I am going through
This storm is the one that in the end we will laugh about
And this love will be brought with us  when we return to the One
In a side by side graves
And in the end will go to heaven where we will meet.

~Queen Aqila~

People do not die from suicide; they die from sadness.

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