
My Experience



by - 3:01 AM

She is just a queen without a king right now
A queen who is busy with her activities
Building her empire

Alone.. Yeah alone…
Because she haven’t found a king
There is a lot of asking out there
How a queen can be alone?

When Nikita Gill asked you to ask to Cleopatra etc. etc..
The answer….
A queen want to choose the best and real for her self
A queen is not a dreamer
A queen dare to take all risk on behalf of her decision 
Including people’s gossips.

For her…
A queen will not easily give her heart for someone
Because she knows her quality
When she has still held her feeling
It does not mean she loves you 
She only wait for the right time

She will not just stay and wait for the king
She will prepare her self and her little kingdom
For her to become more qualified when she meet the king

As a queen, she want
Not only a king because of his palace
Not only a king because of his title
A king that’s ready to carry the burden and
Understand the weight of a queen’s crown
A king that is ready to love her for the rest of her life

A king…
That had enough courage
To walk side by side with the queen no matter what the risk is
Whose ready to build their kingdom together with full of love and affection
Whose ready to wipe her tears when the weight feels so heavy

When the time has come
She as a queen will give her whole life for the king
No matter what is the risk is
She will be loyal on his side until death do them part
She will let him lead their kingdom 
And she will submit to him….

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